To help support our families during this time, we have issued several updates detailing information about the support available.
We have changed the way we work to protect the children and young people who we care for as much as possible during this pandemic. Decisions about reallocating tasks, shifts and visits have been made in collaboration with the families and due consideration of the wishes and feelings of the young person we care for in line with a personalised care approach. It has been imperative that we have continued to work closely with partner agencies and commissioners to ensure that we are balancing the risk of transmission against the risk with any reduced care.
As with all healthcare providers, we have faced many challenges. By working collaboratively and our staff going above and beyond, we are able to ride this storm and ensure that our clients and families are able to get the care and support they require by ensuring all our staff are equipped with sufficient PPE and are fully risk assessed.
Mask Fit Testing
Where we have had issues due to staffing capacity, interventions have been prioritised for those classed as highly vulnerable if they do not receive care and alternative cover has been successfully sought.
We have also focused a high level of support on staff’s health and well-being during this time and ensured regular supervision has taken place via telephone calls or video link remotely rather than face to face.
If you have any queries relating to any of this information, please get in touch.
The information on this page was last updated on 11 June 2020.
What to do if you have symptoms: